Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Week of T25 & 24 Day Challenge {{WOW}}

Thank baby Jesus.

This week has been brutal, in the weirdest way.

The weather has been dddrreeeaaarrrrrry. Which makes this girl not want to get out of bed. Then I do and I get to work and its on the slower side so I find myself trying not to fall asleep by the fireplace. 


I'm so ready for my day off tomorrow and FRIDAY! I'm also super pumped to get the hairrrr doneee Friday, my hairs begging for a cut and color. Who am I to tell it no?!

So okay for the awesome Workout Wednesday Link up with Skinny Meg!

Okay I started the Focus T25 Workout nine weeks ago, and sadly this is my final week of the program. I have loved every single minute of it, no lie. Before I ever even tried to put down the little debbies and pull myself off the couch, I ATTEMPTED and FAILED 3 different times  at Insanity. Now that I was in better shape, I HAD to do a Shaun T Beachbody workout and FINISH it. I choose T25 because of the way it was formulated for just 25 minutes a day. I have really loved it and loved the results. I'm going to restart the program again actually. That really is how much I love it. I recommend it to anyone who is a little bit past a beginner workout but not quite a pro, it really works well at that level! I have seen a great amount of inches lost and quite a bit of toning. I will post pictures Monday of my final results!!

This month I'm also doing the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I need it. I had fallen off the train at the middle end of October and the final two weeks of October were not my friend.. read HERE. So I really am going full throttle at this challenge, I WILL make the MOST of it!!!

I was pretty pissed at myself this day to see the number on the scale...167.8. I had put on a whole 6 pounds by just letting my emotions get to me.

But I was more than Happy to see this on the scale on Sunday Morning!!
For those who don't feel like math, thats 8 pounds!

That was the extra bit of motivation I needed!! I also am hanging on to every word my coach through this says. I'm taking the proper eating advice and workouts to heart. I really want to end this year stronger than ever. I have made this the fittest year of my life and I'm getting off the train again!

I'm taking it in stride too, the more things I do that make me accountable the better off I'll be. I'm running a 5K on the 23rd and I'm taking part in Tiffany over at The Fit Train's challenge of 

You should check out her blog for some holiday motivation!

 Now for some motivation today.

What really erk's me is when people complain about not having time for exercise, but they update their facebooks and what nots about being bored at home watching tv and eating a whole pizza, then they complain about not seeing progress.

You get out what you put in. 
Please you are only hurting yourself when you do that! 
Excuses don't burn calories. 
You have to budget your time for what you want....

Happy Wednesday!!!



  1. Those people drive me insane too! Everyone can fit in time for workouts !

    -Elise @

  2. You look amazing girl! Can't wait to see your results from T25! I'm wanting to purchase it sooo bad, but can't push myself to pay the price. Home workouts are good for me right now. (Getting some debt paid off, eeeekkk!) Happy Hump Day!

  3. That is great! I love the short and sweet work outs like that. Who can't take out 25 minutes? I am glad it is working! Good luck with the rest of the year!

  4. those are amazing results! way to go! i also have a thing for short workouts that i can fit during my lunch break--otherwise it probably won't get done!
