Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekend Recap, Back on The Fast Track

It's Monday, Monday, gotta go to work on Monday..looking forward to the work week...Commuting commuting, Yeah!

-- Okay no. 

Theres a reason the song was called Friday... so much more to look forward too..

For me this last weekend was one to celebrate, some how, some way, I managed to drop a pant size. 


The back pair is jeans that I just BARELY squeezed and stuffed myself into at the beginning of the year and the top pair is my new ones. 5-6 pants size difference here..

If you hang out with me in the blogging world, then you know that last week, I confessed to some shitty mcshit shit eating habits, you can catch up HERE.
But after that world wide web confession, I cracked the whip on my self and got down to business and have managed to get my self back on track, WHOO HOO!! It really was just a head game, so every time I was bored hungry, I told my self now and had a bottle of water instead -- I have been peeing like a russian race horse as of lates!

I'm still killing it with Shaun T and Focus T25, I'm not an endorser or any such for him or Beach Body, but DAMMNNNN. This T25 is awesome. Like I have never been so in love with a workout program before. 

Confession: I like them too much...I do one or two videos on the "rest days" and I usually do an extra video every day... and well I just did four today...

I can't help it.

I think I may be addicted to working out. I have had some personal stuff going on lately and to keep my mind off of things I cannot change, I've just been focusing all that energy into other outlets and for me working out just makes me feel good and helps relax and ease my mind.

Yesterday was a sad day in Instagram world, one of my blog-idols, Holly lost her furbaby. I'm like a total mushy mush baby when it comes to furbabies. So this was a big deal to me, and I hugged my little apple head Chihuahua a little tighter. She had no idea what was going on, just that she got cheese and extra belly rubbin'. But for real if I wasn't married i'd more than likely have  27 small dogs in a one bedroom apartment...this will also be a reality when I'm a old timer if I become widowed. It was actually kind of awesome to see the support that instagram/blogging community has to offer, over a hundred people gave their furbabies a piece of cheese in remembrance of Chauncey and posted with #cheeseforchauncey. 
Theres still good in this world, at least I see the good through this community.

So I've been surfing Pintrest for some new recipe ideas for my upcoming 24 day Advocare Challenge and I came across this.... No it's not cleanse approved, but with Thanksgiving just a few days after the end of my cleanse and all the temptation I'll be up against I think I'll be whipping these bad boys up to help keep my face out of the pies, cakes and cookies.. Don't they look delicious?!?!!

Check out the recipe for Cinnamon Oat Baked Apples HERE.

Oh upcoming holidays, be kind to this fatty in transition...

How was your weekend?

Favorite food your looking forward to this fall?



  1. When I'm stressed and crap is just going on, working out is my fix for sure!

  2. I think it's funny when your underwear gets to big... lol Hubs laughed at me one day when I was getting ready for work because I didn't realize how much I had to "roll" to try to make them fight :)
    I have GOT to try T25!!!!
