Happy Halloween!!!
Today your gonna get to enjoy an awesome post from my girl Kaslin (Case-Lynn) Ya gotta be able to say it right if your gonna blog stalk her :)
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But first a little Halloween Blip from me...
I love halloween. Maybe its cause my birthday is in October too, so I just have a special love for this month, but I will never, and I quote never be too old to dress up.
Speaking of dressing up,
I'm dressing up for work today!
If any one would like a chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card, you can try to guess my costume!
Entries will be taken on this blog post and on a post I will put up on instagram!
Clues: It is work appropriate, it's something common that everyone know.
I'll take guesses up until 3pm and I'll reveal my costume and a winner via Instagram this evening. (Winner will be notified personally).
Sadly enough though, the hubs isn't a big Halloween junkie, like my self. I don't give a shit about the candy in all reality, I just like dressing up. I swear to gravy I'm not a totes weirdo that dresses up around the house, but I enjoy the yearly costume fun! And I gets totally joy out of handing candy out to children, getting to see all their costumes and the fun they are having melts my heart. Not to trash my bad girl rep, but I'm a big mushy mush at heart.
With all that said and done, I wish you all a happy and safe Halloween!!
Now I'll hand it over to Kaslin...
Hello, Hello, Hello, Jess Solt fans! I’m Kaslin, and I blog over at “Kaslin Tells All.” about dealing with fitness while working my way through college and breaking my addiction to Dr. Pepper and sweets! Come visit!
So now that we have been introduced, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself! I am a college student out of Oklahoma, pursing a degree in nursing with a minor in business. My overall goal it to become a nurse practitioner, so I will be going all the way for my masters degree. I am about 3 classes shy of an associates, and I am just trucking along! I live with my boyfriend of 3 years, and spend my days wondering about fitness, crafts, half marathon training, school, and how to deal with not stopping at a gas station for a big gulp Dr. Pepper. Don’t we all?
As far back as I can remember, I was always the “fluffy” girl. I think that’s the word the blog world is using for fat right now, right? Well I was. I remember weighing myself around 12-13 years old, and thinking “Jesus, how can I be this big”? Which was odd, because I never thought I looked that big. I let the scale determine my happiness for most of my teenage years, and I’m still doing it, but now I’m busting out! I’m DONE. I want to be happy and healthy, and that’s what my blog is all about. However, I do gripe about school some, just forewarning ya!
Recently, I took on the task of The Whole 30. If you don’t know, that is a hard core paleo diet. When you think of paleo, the kind of food you should think of is honestly what a cave man would have access to. Could a cave man whip up that highly processed in a factory bag of chips? Probably not. But he sure could enjoy a nice cucumber and a slap of meat! Anyways, I have only a couple of days left on this diet, and I am very pleased with my results. I will say that I have lost around 7 pounds throughout the 30 days, but for more on my results, you’ll have to visit me for workoutWednesday sometime! J All around, it is a great way to change how you look at food, and shows you have certain foods affect your body. One day on the diet, I had an item that had a little bit of dairy in it. BIG NO NO. My stomach was wrecked the next 2-3 days. I was bloated, and all other kinds of things that you don’t want to know about!
During the course of the diet, I did cheat a couple times, which I do regret. But hey, I’m only human, and college sucks sometimes! As far as workouts go, I have been hanging out with my favorite girl, Jillian Michaels. It’s so nice to have a “personal trainer” (a.k.a. DVD trainer) yell out you for 30 minutes out of your day. I have also been doing the Couch to 5K plan, and I am REALLY seeing results with that. It helps me keep up my endurance through my workouts with Jillian, and has helped me start to see changes in my legs. Which is a miracle, for me.
After the diet is “over”, I will continue to eat paleo, but if I stop in for a, oh I don’t know Frappe from Starbucks, it won’t be the end of the world. Just the end of a pleasant stomach for a few days! My next fitness goal is to run a half marathon. Jess thinks I’m crazy, but only half crazy. Get it? Get it? No, okay.
So come train with me for my half, and watch me melt off this weight!
I have already seen a major difference in just 10 days!
and cant wait to see what else my body can do!
I am also hosting my very first giveaway today, so make sure and stop by and get the details for that!
It is a great prize!
Thanks for having me, and hope to see you over at my little neck of the woods.
Follow me on instagram: Kaslinlea
Did you dress up today?
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