Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beat the 'Bowl-full-of-Jelly" Belly

Happy Wednesday!

Its day two of my days off, I do have to go in for an employee meeting but thats just overtime so I'll take some extra money honey!

Today's gonna be a quickie on the workout aspect of it all.

The Holidays are here, travel, desserts and stress fill the air.

Just because its that time and your traveling more doesn't mean your hard works gotta be thrown out!

Here are some great go anywhere workouts:

And heres some cheat sheets for drinks on the go that won't make you feel so guilty:

The Skinny Vanilla Latte (Iced or Hot) is my favorite or the Shaken Tazo Tea!

Now let's talk about some love.

This is my body, as is.

I was laying around watching tv last night, when one of those commercials with the picture perfect girl comes on and talks about the diet pills she took for two weeks to look like that... yeah uh huh..sureeeee.

But it got me to thinking.

No I don't look like that.

I have the most awkward rib cage I've ever seen, it sticks out awkwardly and is incredibly wide. I have stretch marks. These aren't even kid induced, these stretch marks are sponsored by Little Debbie and Krispy Kreme. I have extra skin that "pools" up.

These are things I'm not exactly HAPPY with but they each show a sign of progress. They show my hard work, I wouldn't have loose skin or stretch marks sagging around if I would have never busted ass to lose weight. My ribs wouldn't stick out if the fudge pudge was still stuck to them.

I may not be perfect and I never will be. I can only strive for progress. Progress not perfection. But I also have to stop looking at these things as signs I'm a failure, or that my body isn't as good.

These are signs that I've worked hard, these are signs of motivation and dedication  I should be proud, not ashamed. 

Thats why I put this picture out here on the internet. 


I'm not ashamed, I'm PROUD of my body.

Its healthy and able. It does amazing things and no longer is a threat to my life.

No matter what your body looks like, theres something good to be found, if you are looking for the good.

All though to often we gals are looking for the bad that the good gets overshadowed...


Yaaah heard me.


Love your body.

It's yours do with it what you may, but embrace the things you can't change, and stop trying to achieve perfect. Perfect doesn't exist- perfect only means the lack there of flaws, and well unless your Jesus, your flawed. Sorry not sorry.

Perfection cant be achieved but you know what can?


Make progress. 

Love your body. Embrace yourself.

Let go of the negative self image.

I know its hard, I can't just turn it on and off, but I'm working on it.

I'm not going to let society tell me how good or bad my body is.

I'll fill society in.

I've had requests for carb cycling menu samples, I'll have those up tomorrow.
I also will be doing a give away next week in time for Christmas! It's going to be a Christmas Eve Traditions Gift Pack! It will include awesome staples that the hubs and I have to have on Christmas eve. Be sure to check back for that!

Whats your HUMP DAY excitement?

As always



  1. you just rock, lovely! I am so glad I came across your blog and instagram. thanks for the daily motivation! enjoy your day off!

  2. You SHOULD be proud of your is awesome and you've worked so hard in the last year to get to where you are today. Keep up the great work, Jessi!

  3. wow...thanks for the pep talk! i kind of needed it today. :)
    and i love that little starbucks cheat-sheet. i don't go there very often but it'll be nice to have a (healthier) drink.

    1. I need it too, glad to help! Same here I don't go as often as I wish I could but when I do I feel good making a good choice!

  4. Thanks so much for the post. I know I am hard on myself especially with how my stomach looks ( I have 2 little boys). I may never have six pack abs and will always have stretch marks. But, I can continue to work toward the best body I can have. Happy day off!!!
