Monday, August 3, 2015

August Goals, New Program, and Vacation The Movie

It is Monday again and well it could be worse I guess.  Don't get me wrong I love me weekends, but I do enjoy the structure and schedule of the work week.

This is also the first Monday in August so time to set yourself some new goals and focus in on them!

I cannot believe summer is pretty much over all the back to school gear and activities are in full swing and soon the parking lot in front of my apartment will be emptied of the neighbors across the streets kids cars and all their freaking friends.  I hate that they all park here instead of in their driveways..I mean I pretty much pay to park here, but whatever. (pet peeve, sorry!!)

So this month my goals are:
5 simultaneous pull ups
More water on the weekends
Yoga on Wednesdays
Less work stress
No more mindless snacking in the evening!!

Pretty basic but important to me. Yesterday I did my first ever unassisted pull up in my life!!!

I felt so glorious as I left the gym!!

I've been poopy about snacking, nothing much but too much! I find my hand in the peanut butter jars, just a bit on my finger or a few pieces of trail mix or a piece of pepperoni, but just not needed and out of boredom!

I'm in the midst of a promotion at work so my stress levels have been higher the last few weeks but as this week rolls around I'm really going to work on focussing in, tuning out the world around me and not getting so tense!

Last Thursday the Hub and I were going to buy a car but it fell through at the last moment so we had a personal day together.

He was shaving his face and stopped half way to show off his "Super Trooper " look. UGH! Silly guy!  That mustache was gone soon after- thank goodness!

We also went and saw an early showing of Vacation the sequel to all the National Lampoon's movies

It is pretty funny, but definitely aimed at the older kids! It is also good if you have seen the National Lampoon movies, the jokes are way better. The best joke was that I paid $5.25 for a cup of water... no outside drinks allowed, I was dying of thirst so the extra large cup with light ice was refills, so you bet your bottom dollar I drank up and filled up!

My fitbit flex has been kinda sporadic with its tracking and charging, so with some of my bonus money I upgraded to the Charge HR

I'm pretty excited to see how much more accurate my calorie burn is now. The hub, who has a Razor Nabu Tracker, is using my flex to track his fitness as he gets back on the bandwagon after taking a three month break. He is using the flex so we can compete with our steps. Also if you are going to by a fitbit, I highly recommend Dick's Sporting Goods. I didn't get the two year coverage plan last time and it would have benefited me this last week. I paid the $30 for it this time and it covers everything except lost or stolen. So If i drop it in water, I'm covered for the full value!

Yesterday was also my last day on Arnold's Blueprint to Cut Program.

I saw a lot of improvements!! I'm very happy with the muscle growth and definition I saw. I'm also hungry for more.

After debating on and off for a few days and then all day Sunday I've finally decided on my next workout... Kris Gethin's 12 Week Trainer , it only has 5 days of workouts so I will be pulling small workouts from Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer for Saturday workouts. The hub is doing Lee Labrada's 12 Week Lean Body Trainer. His workout has 6 days in it which is why I am adding in a 6th day. I'm going to support him and be there with him to make sure he gets the results he wants. He never really has been a gym goer. He used to go with me back in the day when we lived in Concordia and had the other nice gym, but he usually did light weights and focussed more on running on the treadmill. Now he is going to have more of a focus on weights. I think he will be shocked with how far he will come.

I have also submitted for a Nutrition Plan from Jessie Deye, or +gymgirljessie on Instagram, her website has custom plans for $20. Yes I can figure my own macros but sometimes I really do like to have more of a trained professional do it. 

I have 40 weeks til the beginning of May 2016. The show I want to do has not had its dates released but should be in May of 2016, it was in May in '14 and '15 so I'm going to assume that is May again. I won't really start zero-ing in on cutting and prep til January. But that does not mean I'm going to sit idle. I will be continuing to bust my ass to build muscle, tone, tighten and work on the best package I can bring. For now I will continue with my cheat meals but I will knock those off when I go into full prep. This really means alot to me and I only want to do one, so I'm going to give it my best. I've only got one shot, opportunity, once in a lifetime..

Sorry for the Eminem quote! 

Well this girl better get her butt to the gym!

Welcome to August, what are your goals??


1 comment:

  1. I want to see Vacation so bad. I'm a huge fan of all the other ones so I need to see this one & pronto! :)

    Mandie ~
