Today is my parents 31st anniversary.
Thats a really long time.
My parents got married very young. They were told by many MANY people, that they wouldn't last. Well middle fingers in the air ( not interpretation ) here they are 31 years, 2 daughters, 1 granddaughter, 1 son-in-law, many pets, many moves and many hurdles later -- still married and going strong.
Their marriage is something I truly admire. I learned so much from them and it's what I base my marriage off of...
What I learned about love and marriage from my parents:
* It's okay to fight. If you don't fight, you'll have bigger problems later.
* Your spouse should be your best friend.
* Time spent together, regardless of what you are doing is still quality time.
* The wedding it self doesn't make the marriage.
* As long as you have each other, the tough times will pass and you can and will bounce back.
* If you can't be yourself, its not going to work. Be comfortable doing anything and everything no matter if your spouse is there or not.
* It doesn't matter who cooks, who cleans, whose paychecks are bigger, everything is shared and Irons from Sears do last 31+ years so no need to buy a warranty.
* Don't settle for anything or anyone that is below your standards or what you deserve.
* If they don't treat you right, they aren't right for you.
* Never stop the romance. Keep the surprises, keep up with random flowers, gifts, trips etc.
* If you work your ass off for over 25 years, you can afford a condo in Hawaii and trips there each year.
* An eagles cassette tape and a pecan pie, is a true gesture of love.
I learned a lot. My parents are wonderful. I still get happy seeing them doing cute little things together. It gives me hope and makes me want a marriage like theirs even more. Like last year my mom had surgery on nerves in one of her arms and she couldn't sleep in bed, instead she had to sleep in a chair in the living room, my dad at 54 years old, 6 foot something, slept in the living room with her on the tiny little couch where his feet hung off.
That is love right there.
Enough gushing, now to end this tribute with their song:
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Love you!